Energy inspection (Energy Audit) principles and types

The main purpose of energy testing is to identify ways to reduce energy consumption or reduce operating costs per unit of production. Energy testing is the systematic analysis of energy use and energy consumption in the designated energy testing sector; Identifying opportunities for improving energy performance; It can be considered as a systematic assessment to perform calculations and reports. Energy testing provides a basic standard (or reference) for energy management within an organization; Provides basic planning for more efficient use of energy throughout the organization. The first step in energy testing is to assess how much energy is being used to identify the improvements needed to increase energy efficiency. Once the faults in the power system are identified, they can be corrected. Correcting the problems found in the energy test will save energy and reduce energy costs. Improves performance Energy testing can be divided into the following two categories.
1. Business Inspections or Preliminary Inspections: This is a site visit to familiarize yourself with the operation of the plant and identify areas that cause significant power loss or incompetence. Normally this type of energy test will only cover major problem areas. Summarize the correct plans; Quickly estimate implementation costs; These include the potential for cost savings and a simple profit margin calculation. Detailed Inspection: A comprehensive audit that compiles a detailed plan for the implementation of an energy project for a plant, assessing all major energy consumption systems. Typical inspections include measurements of processes or equipment using special equipment that is not usually available in the inspection business or factory (summarized in the next section). This type of test provides the closest estimate of energy savings and costs. Interactions of all proposed effectiveness measures; Includes calculations for energy consumption of all key equipment and investment costs for energy savings. One of the key elements in a complete test is the energy balance. It lists power systems; Based on assumptions of current operating conditions and energy consumption calculations. Energy Management System (ISO 50001) To continuously improve energy efficiency and energy saving; Not just one check, An energy management system is needed to identify energy reduction opportunities. Energy Management (EnMS) integrates energy use management with day-to-day business systems and procedures. The goal is to better manage energy use in businesses; To save operating costs and improve continuous energy efficiency. Therefore, this systematic approach can help organizations to establish appropriate systems and procedures. ISO 50001 is for energy management established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)It is an international standard. Establishing an energy management system; Implementation; Establish standards for maintenance and improvement; The aim is to help an organization improve its energy savings and energy efficiency. Energy security; Energy consumption and consumption must be followed with a systematic approach. ISO 50001 is a set of standards that organizations must follow Policymaking for more efficient use of energy. Editing goals and objectives to align with the policy. Use the information to better understand and make informed decisions about energy use. Measuring results and continuously improving energy management. Source: ISO50001: 2011; Working for continuous improvement through the commonly accepted Plan-Do-Check-Act method. Establishing an ISO 50001-certified energy management system will help increase foreign investors' confidence in the company's management. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your energy savings: air, Securely close all water, steam, and fuel leaks. Compressed air is an expensive form of energy - do not waste it! One drop of fuel per second can cost more than 2,000 liters per year. Recover waste heat from furnace fumes and reuse it for air combustion. At 21 ° C, 1% fuel saving is achieved whenever the air temperature rises. Control the excess air in the oven. A 10% reduction in air volume will save 1% on fuel costs in the furnace. Annual fuel consumption is up to 3,000 kg. This means that you can save a total of 16.5 million kyats (if not estimated at 550 kyats per liter of fuel). Reduce heat loss through the oven. Studies have shown that a furnace operating at a temperature of 1000 ° C (1,500 mm x 750 mm) loses 10 liters of fuel per hour when the door is open. With an estimated 4,000 hours of operation per year, its estimated loss is around 21 million kyats. Recover the heat from the steam during boiler operation. This recycling saves up to 1% of fuel each time the water temperature used for the boiler rises by 6 ° C. To improve boiler capacity, the smoke from the boiler will be reduced. Losses in heat dissipation, loss due to incomplete combustion; Loss during combustion of combustion residues; Excess air causes fuel loss; And so on. Proper control can reduce fuel consumption by up to 20%. The use of capacitors can increase the power factor; Reducing kilowatt voltage (KVA) can also reduce power losses in the factory. Regularly conducting energy inspections will identify opportunities for energy conservation and implement measures to improve the situation. Consider implementing an energy management system to continuously improve energy efficiency.

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